Blibli Seller Center




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Get more with Blibli! Managing sales activities is made simpler for Blibli Seller! You can do it all anytime, anywhere straight from Blibli Seller Apps! Besides checking and responding to new orders, you can also add or edit products, see new features or other important announcement from this app. Increase sales and fulfill customer’s needs just got easier! What else can you do in this app?1. See store summary from the DashboardFind new orders and important announcement from your Dashboard. You can also see product and sales stats and your store rating here.2. Check new order from Orders menu Got a new order? Respond orders as soon as possible from Orders menu. Show your best service and give your customer the best shopping experience! 3. Manage products from Product menuAdd new product or restock product from Product menu. Simply look for product name, complete product information, and you’re ready to sell! 4. Set up promotions from Promotion menu Join Blibli promo or create your own promotions to attract customers and increase your store sales5. Respond customer’s question from Product Discussion menu Answer product related questions from customers. The faster you respond with informative answer, the bigger your chance to convince customer on making an order! 6. See important info from Notification menu Don’t miss out on the latest notification about sales, product stock, order status, customer’s questions, or other important news! 7. Contact Seller Care from Seller Care menu Need help? Seller Care is here to help! You can contact Seller Care via phone, email, or live chat from the Seller Care menu Not a Blibli Seller yet? Enjoy all these benefits and join thousands other Sellers and reputable brands by signing up your store in Blibli now! So, what are the perks of being Blibli Seller? - Trusted by leading sellers - 100% product insurance- Free shipping- No deposit required - Free promotion - Seller Care More info, visit selling at!Because success is number 1, we want to give the best for you: Seller feedback survey - Provide feedback for the Blibli Seller App so we can continue to develop it. SMS, email, and WhatsApp notification settings - Select the platform to receive notifications from “Settings”.Click & Collect - Follow the order response recommendation time in “Order details”.Important info - Learn about the features by selecting the question mark button at the top of “More” page.Update to try these features!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Seller carenya ngga bisa di akses via handphone

Angga Kurnia Darma

Kembalikan opsi drop barang ke kurir langsung. Sistem pickup by kurir orang nya males2 buat datang.

Winnie Pooh

Toko tutup harus ijin minimal H-2 sebelum tutup toko dan harus dapat ijin dari Blibli. Pembayaran H+2 setelah diterima pembeli, jika sabtu, minggu atau hari libur, pembayaran delay lagi. Tidak ada no. invoice atau semacamnya di histori pembayaran sehingga susah untuk tracking pembayaran mana yang sudah lunas jika seller masih menggunakan cara manual. Barang retur dari pembeli tidak dikembalikan ke seller.


Awesome and really helpful UMKM


Aplikasi seller kurang ringan

M. Akbar Wijaya

MP paling payah. Telp cs lama g ad kejelasan. G ad 021, habisin pulsa cuma buat kata maaf. Matamu

Devina Teresa

Saya pakai lazada seller center, shopee, dan juga tokopedia seller. Tp paling tidak nyaman adalah blibli seller center, dalam arti tidka user friendly sama sekali, setiap kali buka apps muncul pengumuman trs dan refresh2 sndiri sekitar 3x.

Joseph Tanaya

Ribet memakai aplikasi, mengajukan komplain lama dan apalagi admin blibli di bilang lama responnya malah di hapus postingan di review.

bima faldi Ramadhan

Gak bisa input produk via aplikasi... Selalu ada saja masalah nya Giliran via desktop baru bisa... Hmm percuma dong ada aplikasi, tadinya biar mudah input produk via HP... Mudah2an App nya bisa untuk proses produk... Kalau masih ada kendala juga keterlaluan sih... Aplikasinya Bukan bikin mudah malah bikin repot

Muhammad Ridwan

Pencairan dananya lama banget, jangan jualan disini. E-commerce paling lama untuk pencairan dananya, mending toko orens atau ijo aja. Trus ada potongannya loh 3%-5%. Rugiiii

marini marine